Discover our diamonds

Posted by akash thesiya on

Formed within just a few hours -- not billions of years -- of carbon pressurized underground violently ejecting upwards, earth diamonds are plentiful but mined at a pace controlled by an industry cartel.

Indeed stuck in the ground for billions of years after creation, it is not clear how old age relates to value per se. After all, the water in the oceans is even billions of years older than any earth diamond!

Apart from uprooting and depleting the earth, mining tends to support autocrats who exploit poverty and conflicts.

True to the future: Diamonds from the sky

Our foundry crystallizes greenhouse gas into diamond. Once crystallized, it can no longer go make the sky reflect heat and warm the planet.

Sounds like alchemy? Perhaps. It does yield real diamond though, identical to Earth’s, with many of the same imperfections and individual differences from diamond to diamond (because the diamond crystal grows just as in earth).

Our diamonds are gently grown over hundreds of hours in our zero-emission foundry in America's beautiful Pacific West, then cut and polished internationally by master craftspeople in our own workshops, exclusively to the highest cut standards.

Discover the impeccable provenance of a VRAI created diamond

Meet our modern-day diamond alchemists

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